Monday, June 21, 2010

It's Not a Diet, It's a "Lifestyle Change"

The sedentary lifestyle that comes with working in an office setting is not at all conducive to staying physically fit. I have to admit that eating healthy and getting a daily amount of exercise (however minimal) was a bit easier with part time + freelance work. But I've been working my way up to running a 5K thanks to support from Suzi along with doing my old lifting regiment.

For cardio I'm working on the Couch to 5K program which is actually pretty good - it's a nice easy buildup to an otherwise arduous and intimidating 3 miles (the most I've ever done in my life is 2 in one run). I'm on week six, so this is how my schedule looks.

Day 1: 5 Minute Run/3 Minute Walk - 8 Minute Run/3 Minute Walk - 5 Minute Run
Day 2: 10 Minute Run/3 Minute Walk/ 10 Minute Run
Day 3:  25 Minute Run

Day 3 makes me

In between the days of running, I'm adopting the strength resistance training that I used during my senior year of college. I was probably at my pique physical shape...153 pounds, could do about 15 pullups - oh and how I could run.

The website reminds me of a scam site...but the routine worked for me and the information is free, so I can't go wrong.

I'll keep you lovely readers in on my progress. My diet today was pretty solid...

Breakfast: protein shake (300 calories)
Lunch: Fruit + Carnation Breakfast (200 calories)
Dinner: Protein Shake, Butternut Squash Risotto, and chips <---wtf is that doing there (800)
Before Sleep Snack: Pineapple Cherry Cottage Cheese (200 Calories)
Total: 1500.

That's pretty healthy I'd say (aside from the chips, which are thankfully gone after today D:)

Has anyone here ever struggled with their weight? Too light? Too heavy? It's always something I've struggled with and I think the struggle has had a huge effect on my eating habits, perceptions about weight loss, and dietary habits. It definitely is one of the aspects that define me as a person to this day (unfortunately, some permanent thanks to self-destructive dieting in high school...bye bye metabolism!).

But my body has got to be loving this routine - even if there isn't any noticeable weight loss.

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha!! You were right to stay away from seemingly infinite supply of free cheese in Cabot. Between those lucious cheese cubes and the organic brownies, I got like +5 pounds staring me in the face in just 2 days :)
