Monday, January 11, 2010

About Me

We live in a world that values productivity and the management of our limited personal time, so I have decided to make this short and sweet for those of you on the go.

  • I absolutely love Tennis with a capital T and could play it for hours on end.
  • I am half Mexican with family in Spain and Mexico yet benefit 100% from white patriarchy in the United States.
  • The grandmother on my mother's side was an eternal optimist even after losing her sight and a battle against cancer, while the grandmother on my father's side decided to become a cloistered nun at the age of 81.
  • I used to be 5'1" and weigh 240 lbs. I am currently 5'5" and weigh 160 lbs. The experience has left me feeling and looking like a human Stretch Armstrong.
  • Trees are awesome and I enjoy climbing and looking at them. I once fell out of a tree 20 feet from the floor and landed on my head.
  • My most valuable trait is my work ethic. When I am passionate about a project, I will lose track of time and forget about sleeping and eating. The longest I have ever gone without sleeping or eating because of said passion is 37 hours.
  • I do not have any natural talents. Aforementioned work ethic is one of the few reasons why I am good at anything.
  • In elementary school I was The Nice Guy, in Middle School I was a Nerd, in High School I was known as the kid who played the trumpet really well, and in college I was known as the boisterous one.
I think that's a good start to knowing me, but as always, I'm more than willing to talk, so email me if you have questions or want to argue about whether cake or pie is the better dessert.

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