Sunday, June 27, 2010

Monday, June 21, 2010

It's Not a Diet, It's a "Lifestyle Change"

The sedentary lifestyle that comes with working in an office setting is not at all conducive to staying physically fit. I have to admit that eating healthy and getting a daily amount of exercise (however minimal) was a bit easier with part time + freelance work. But I've been working my way up to running a 5K thanks to support from Suzi along with doing my old lifting regiment.

For cardio I'm working on the Couch to 5K program which is actually pretty good - it's a nice easy buildup to an otherwise arduous and intimidating 3 miles (the most I've ever done in my life is 2 in one run). I'm on week six, so this is how my schedule looks.

Day 1: 5 Minute Run/3 Minute Walk - 8 Minute Run/3 Minute Walk - 5 Minute Run
Day 2: 10 Minute Run/3 Minute Walk/ 10 Minute Run
Day 3:  25 Minute Run

Day 3 makes me

Ender's Falls

Man - that new dedication to doing fairly regular blog posts died faster than a new years resolution. But I'm definitely overdue for an update.

In an effort to make Connecticut seem less mundane, it seemed like a good idea to go waterfall hunting in tandem with getting a good amount of exercise in by hiking to said waterfalls. The website New England Waterfalls has a fairly convenient guide with ratings, so we're using that as a basis for our travels.

This weekend Suzi and I headed out to Enders Falls in Granby. After getting lost repeatedly due to bad advice from Google Maps, we managed to get there in about 45 minutes. Below are some photos capturing a fraction of the six large waterfalls we came across. There were swimming holes, plenty of wildlife, and amazing streams through out the trail - definitely unexpected finds.

The photos don't really do Ender's Falls justice, but I really can't recommend this area enough for a non-strenuous walk through some of the best waterfalls in Connecticut.

This weekend coming up I'll be in more photos then!