Monday, May 3, 2010

Pesto Perogies

Pesto Perogies. I eat them because of the alliteration.

So today went fairly well food-wise, but I'm still lacking in the healthy diversity department.

Carnation Breakfast w/ Coffee - 250 calories

Stacey's Pita Chips - 300 calories (perhaps the shittiest lunch ever)

Cheese and Crackers - 200 calories

7 Pesto Perogies - 700 calories

Total: 1450 calories.

This is about reasonable... I don't think I can get away with eating much more than 1500 calories considering how sedentary office work is (unless there's a fire in the office or something). Tomorrow's goal is to fit some Cardio in somewhere.

1 comment:

  1. Eat those 700 calorie meals in the morning and work it off during the day!! Dinner is a crappy time to make up for lost energy D:
