Saturday, April 24, 2010

Good News and Promises of More Posting

After a year of searching for a company that matches my career aspirations and ideal work environment, I can stop the search and get ready to settle down with Cronin & Co. I will be working as an online media assistant full-time which requires working with multiple departments and projects simultaneously. I'm excited to be starting with a company I targeted back in October 2009.

This blog has been inactive for the last two months, but I hope to change that from here on out. You can expect a well articulated update every Monday and Thursday evening. I will probably post intermittently between these scheduled postings with things that I find amusing or have been thinking about but am making an effort to post something with a little more thought on those days.

Aside from that great news, I thought I'd share with you a new soundtrack I was exposed to from Professor Layton and The Diabolical Box, a Nintendo DS puzzle game that I hear is quite good. I haven't played it myself, but the music sounds pretty great.

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