Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Presentation on Social Media: Facebook!

The Windsor Chamber of Commerce has invited me to run a panel on social media with two other web developers. I'm going to be presenting information on Facebook and how businesses can use it to effectively reach target audiences. I am really excited about sharing my knowledge and current research on the subject. As always, meeting new people and helping them build a company presence through social media will be a blast.

You can find more information on the seminar here.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Pepsi Forgoes Super Bowl Ad for Philanthropic Marketing

It looks like Pepsi Co. is making waves on the internet with its decision to skip the Super Bowl for an entirely different marketing strategy that is a huge step up from the direction their competitors are going in. Pepsi is looking to make an impact not through a funny commercial, but by genuinely affecting change in the daily lives of a community.

I think marketing has always been about developing a presence and more importantly, an emotional bond between the consumer and the brand. Sophie Ann Terrisse, founder and CEO of STC Associates, a brand consulting firm, stated that "these days, brands need to become a movement, instead of just relying on good reviews for their Super Bowl commercials," and I believe she's an associate that gets it. A Super Bowl advertisement is an excellent way of communicating to a huge audience all at once, but is an extremely poor way of instilling brand loyalty and cultivating a lifetime consumer, especially when the cost is 2.5 million dollars.

How I Conduct my Job Search

We live in a web 2.0 world, which is why it concerns me when a business or organization doesn’t have a website. The internet and technology make basic tasks, such as gathering information or in my case, recent job postings, a lot easier.

Rather than log into Monster.com and sift through the countless marketing jobs requesting me to be their “lady liberty” mascot, I use an RSS feeder to grab jobs from a wide variety of websites, including Craigslist, Career Builder, the Public Relations Society of America, and any other place I can get leads from.

Click to Enlarge

Monday, February 1, 2010

Rhetoric & Cognitive Dissonance: Alive and Well

Language is a fascinating tool used to shape perception. Two sentences may initially seem to have the same meaning, but upon further inspection one can understand how, on a subconscious level, one sentence has influenced the audience in a completely different way than the other sentence.

After the Iran-Contra scandal had been formally exposed, Ronald Reagan famously said the following;